Friday, October 17, 2014

Maya DeLeina's Guest Post on the Writing Process (Fire and Ice: Seasons of the Vampire ) **Blog Tour**

Today we get an in-depth look at author, Maya DeLeina's writing process!

Writing Process and Inspiration
By, Maya DeLeina

My writing is typically done at night or early morning. If I happen to write during the day, it’s usually because it is in the middle of a snow or thunderstorm. The time of day and what the weather holds really plays a key role in inspiration. 
When I sit down and write, I read back on the last chapter written or skim through the chapters. I close my eyes to envision the scene, as if a movie. I don’t work with an outline- most times I don’t know where I am going with a story until I sit down and I “see” where I want to go. All in all, I read to escape reality. Because of this, my goal in writing is to create a world that is vivid enough for the reader to sense it all around them as they read to the point that their immediate environment vanishes.

Travel and music are my primary sources of inspiration.

I have seen many amazing and rousing places that I have adapted into stories or used a little piece of reality to create a fictional world.  Case in point, my girlfriends and I had a very memorable trip to a tree house in Colorado. When we arrived, the photos we saw online of the place didn’t do it any justice. The tree house was simply magnificent. A good balance of man-mad materials and natural elements made up the tree house. For my story, I thought more along the lines of something almost “hobbit-like” so I incorporated natural elements more so than man-made. 

As far as music is concerned, I could be in the middle of a blizzard in Colorado, but feel like I’m walking along dry and dusty earth in a Marrakesh bazaar, my eyes absorbing the bold, jeweled-tone colors of fabrics and taking in a healthy whiff of the exotic spices. Typically, I have Pandora tuned to my stations to provide inspirational settings that takes me halfway around the world without leaving the couch. Check it out:

Maya’s Arabian Dream Station:

Maya DeLeina is a multi-published Erotic Vampire Romance Author with Siren,  Evernight and Ellora's Cave Publishing.

Born and raised on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, Maya could be seen at her favorite beach, Lanikai, performing with an all-girl band where she played keyboards, guitar and provided vocals, working as editor in her high school's yearbook and volunteering her time at a humane society through UH of Manoa civic groups.

In 2006, Maya relocated to Colorado. Her crystal blue oceans, waterfalls and eighty-degree year-round weather were traded for four season weather, enchanting forests and majestic mountains, which led to her rekindled love for vampires.

In winter of 2010, she penned her first manuscript and by 2011, Flesh Fantasy was under contract and released by Siren Publishing. To date, Maya’s titles includes Flesh Fantasy, Veil of Seduction, Blood of Luna, and Dark Companion, with Fire and Ice and Crimson Snow being added to her bookshelf by the end of 2014.

In mid 2014, she banded with other Colorado romance authors to form the group, Mile High Muses, in which Maya serves as "The Vamp". Catch her Forbidden Fruit Friday blog and guests she hosts on Sultry Saturdays

Not only does Maya have theatrical book trailers that bring her sexy vampires to life, Maya and her vampires were featured in Singer/Songwriter Jill Cohn's music video "Blessing Moon".

Social Media:

Noel Tierney thought she’d have enough time before the predicted storm to make it to her holiday retreat, but the snow hit sooner than expected. Caught unprepared on a treacherous pass, poor visibility and icy conditions lead to a crash. She lay immobile in her vehicle, stranded in a ditch in the most remote leg of her journey. 

A faceless hero comes to her rescue and Noel has no choice but to wait out the blizzard in her rescuer’s unique cabin nestled in the woods. Everything about Grayson James peaks her curiosity—his valor, air of mystery and most of all, undeniable attractiveness. 

For three days and nights, passions are unleashed and unexpected emotions are brought to life. When the storm breaks, Grayson vanishes into thin air, but not before revealing startling news that leaves her questioning her sanity. 

Fast forward years later and Noel is in the southernmost part of the United States. She’d come seeking solace after her husband’s tragic death, but what finds her in Key West is more than she ever anticipated. 

In the sultry summer, her unbridled winter’s ecstasy resurrects. 

And so does the Vampire. 

Barnes and Noble:

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