Monday, October 13, 2014

An Interview with David Reynolds!

We are pleased to present author, David Reynolds and his new book, Aware!

Where are you from?
I’m one of the few people that was actually born in Tucson, AZ.  Other than one semester at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff I have lived in Tucson all my life.  I enjoy the desert and while snow is fun to visit, I have absolutely no desire to live with it.
Why do you write?
I write for many different reasons.  Sometimes, like with Aware, I want to explore an idea.  Other times I use writing to point a finger at the issue of the day and how I feel about it.  Sometimes I just want to play with words, for example I’m trying to come up with a story just so I can use the phrase “I’ve soiled my doily”.

What inspired you to write your first book?
I guess inspiration came from people telling me I could.  Apparently, my 4th grade teacher had me referred to be tested for special education because I had spelling issues.  (I say apparently because I was in 4th grade and didn’t really pay attention to parent teacher meetings.  I just knew I hated spelling bees and usually took a dive on the first word.)  She noted that while I had no problem telling stories I never wrote them down.  My mother also told me many times that I was a good writer while in school.  At one point I decided to show all those supporters in my life that their support was warranted and started writing.  Goes to show the power of telling people they can as opposed to telling them they can’t.
What genre do you typically write?
Most of my stories fit in the science fiction realm.  Perhaps it is a leftover from watching Star Trek re-runs as a child, but I like how sci-fi can set up a metaphor that explores the human condition.
Do you feel like you have a specific writing style?
I’m fairly chaotic.  Sometimes I know exactly where a story is going and other times I am surprised as the characters I write.  Some stories are all narrative and some are more dialogue driven.  That chaos is probably why some of my stories take so long to gestate.
How long does it usually take you to write a book?
I have a few shorts that came to me in the night that I wrote in a few hours and I have other ideas that have been percolating for a quite few years now.
What do you do to conquer writer’s block?
What?  Nobody told me writer’s block could be conquered!  Actually I struggle with this a lot.  Sometimes when I get stuck I’ll re-read the entire story or I may put it away for a while and pick up another story.  One thing that does help for me is music, specifically ‘80s heavy metal.  I’ve tried writing to other types of music and they just don’t work.
What can you tell us about your favorite character from your book?
Aware only has three characters and one of them is knocked out in the opening scene so there is not much to choose from.  I started writing Aware to explore the idea of artificial intelligence and wanting to trace the arc of how RB3 becomes aware of itself but as I wrote I got more and more interested in Jenkins’s journey as well.  She was originally conceived just so RB3 would have someone to interact with but she soon took on a life of her own as I got more and more fascinated with her growth.  So while it would be hard to say which I like better, Jenkins did take me by surprise and she sticks out in my mind.
What actor or actress would you like to see play your character in the movie adaptation
It would probably drive her her nuts as it is kinda’ type casting, but I do see Sigourney Weaver slipping into the role of Jenkins quite easily.

What book are you reading now?

As soon as it arrives I will be looking through Unconventional, Contrary, and Ugly: The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle as a prelude to building a flying model of the LLRV.  I just started I Am Legend by Richard MathesonBefore that was the Aneka Jansen series by Niall Teasdale.  Getting Stoned with Savages by J. Maarten Troost preceded that.  Getting Stoned came after re-reading The Commander series by Randell Allen Farmer.  Prior to that was Bad Unicorn by Platte F. Clark.  Yes, I do read a lot from many different genres.

What are your current projects?

I have an idea banging around in my head dealing with a certain angle’s fall from grace as a prequel to my story Contracts of the Father.  It’s sort of the untold story type of thing.  I am also working on a story called The Barbie Killers that sprang up from sitting around with friends and trading jokes about how to kill a super model.  There is also a small spark that is a continuation of Aware.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Actually, I already made the change.  Jenkins was originally a male character and I realized all my leads were male and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to write a good female lead. 

Can you share a little of your work with us?

You can find a short sample of all my stories on my website –  Some of my stories are free on as well.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Sometimes remaining focused is a huge challenge!

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don’t let anybody tell you that their way is the only way to do things.  Do what works for you.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

First, thank you so much for reading and please be sure to leave a review!  Your support helps me continue writing.  Second, please be sure to look me up on Facebook at Renaissance Redneck Media and on Twitter @davidsreynolds1

An accident in space has left Navigation Specialist Jenkins alone on a ship that is dying. She is almost certain that the initial malfunction was caused by a robot, proving in her mind that all robots are useless. Jenkins finds this conviction challenged by Repair Bot 3, the last of three bots that is struggling with becoming aware. The two advisories must find a way to understand each other and work as a team in order for both to survive.

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